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Kill Streak

UAV获得UAV recon is standing by.无人侦察机待命
UAV recon's ready for deployment.无人侦察机的部署完成
己方使用UAVUAV online.无人机在线。
敌方使用UAVHeads up. Enemy UAV spotted.抬头!发现敌方无人机
Enemy UAV's spotted.探明敌方无人机的位置
Enemy UAV online.敌方无人机在线
Counter-UAV获得Counter-UAV is standing by.反无人机待命
Ready to jam enemy UAV.准备阻击敌方无人机
己方使用Counter-UAVCounter UAV is up, they're blind!反无人机扫描启动。敌人设备干扰完成!
Counter UAV is up.反无人机扫描启动
敌方使用Counter-UAVEnemy's jamming our radar.敌方干扰我们的雷达
Hostile's jamming our radar.敌方干扰我们的雷达
Care Package获得Care package's waiting for your mark, repeat, Care Package's waiting for your mark.空降包等待你的确认,重复,空降包等待你的确认

Care Package is ready for delivery.空降包准备投递
己方请求Care PackageCare Packege on the way.空降包在路上了
敌方请求Care PackageEnemy Care Package incoming.敌人的空降包来了
Sentry Gun获得Sentry Gun's ready for delivery.岗哨机枪准备投递
己方请求Sentry GunSentry Gun on the way.岗哨机枪在路上了
敌方请求Sentry Gun(无)(无)
Sentry Gun开封Sentry Gun's ready for deployment.岗哨机枪的部署已做好准备
Sentry Gun's ready.岗哨机枪已做好准备
Predetor Missile获得Predetor Missile is ready for launch.掠食者导弹准备发射
Predetor Missile's ready for deployment.掠食者导弹的部署已做好准备
己方使用Predetor MissileFriendly Predetor Missile inbound.己方掠食者导弹入境
敌方使用Predetor Missile(无)(无)
Precision Airstrike获得Airstrike's waiting for your mark, repeat, Airstrike's waiting for your mark.战斗机打击等待你的确认,重复,战斗机等待你的确认
Airstrike's standing by.战斗机打击待命
己方使用Precision AirstrikeFriendly airstrike inbound.己方战斗机入境
敌方使用Precision AirstrikeEnemy airstrike inbound.敌方战斗机入境
Harrier Strike获得Harriers' waiting for your mark, repeat, Harriers' waiting for your mark."鹞"式战斗机打击等待你的确认,重复,"鹞"式战斗机打击等待你的确认
己方使用Harrier StrikeFriendly Harriers' inbound.己方"鹞"式战斗机入境
敌方使用Harrier StrikeEnemy Harriers' inbound.敌方"鹞"式战斗机入境
Enemy Harriers' incoming.敌方"鹞"式战斗机来了
Attack Helicopter获得Your Helicopter is standing by.的直升机正在待命
己方使用Attack HelicopterFriendly Cobra incoming.己方"眼镜蛇"式直升机来了
Friendly Hind incoming.己方"Hind"直升机来了
敌方使用Attack HelicopterEnemy Cobra incoming.敌方"眼镜蛇"式直升机来了
Enemy Hind incoming.敌方"Hind"直升机来了
Emergency Airdrop获得Emergency Airdrop's ready for delivery.紧急空投准备投递
己方使用Emergency AirdropEmergency Airdrop on the way!紧急空投在路上了
敌方使用Emergency AirdropEnemy Emergency Airdrop incoming!紧急空投来了
Pave Low获得Pave Low's ready for deployment.低空铺路者的部署已做好准备
己方使用Pave LowFriendly Pave Low inbound.己方低空铺路者入境
Our Pave Low inbound.我方低空铺路者入境
敌方使用Pave LowEnemy Pave Low inbound.敌方低空铺路者入境
Stealth Bomber获得  
己方使用Stealth BomberFriendly airstrike inbound.己方攻击直升机入境
Friendly airstrike's on the way.己方攻击直升机在路上了
敌方使用Stealth Bomber(无)(无)
AC-130获得AC-130 standing by.空中炮艇待命
AC-130 standing by, repeat, AC-130 standing by.空中炮艇待命,重复,空中炮艇待命
AC-130 is ready for deployment.空中炮艇的部署已做好准备
己方使用AC-130Friendly AC-130 in the air.己方空中炮艇在空中
Our AC-130 is in the air.我方空中炮艇在空中
敌方使用AC-130Enemy AC-130 above!敌方空中炮艇在空中
Chopper Gunner获得Helicopter ready for deployment, repeat, helicopter ready for deployment.直升机的部署已做好准备,重复,直升机的部署已做好准备
己方使用Chopper GunnerFriendly Apache inbound.己方Apache武装直升机攻击手入境
Friendly helicopter inbound.己方直升机入境
敌方使用Chopper GunnerEnemy Apache incoming.己方Apache武装直升机来了
EMP获得EMP ready for launch.电磁脉冲准备启动
EMP ready, waiting on your go.电磁脉冲准备完毕,等待你的指示。
己方使用EMPThe enemy has been EMPed. Their electronics are off-line.敌方已中电磁脉冲,电子仪器已不能使用。
Friendly EMP inbound. Their electronics are off-line.己方电磁脉冲入境。电子仪器已不能使用。
敌方使用EMPWe've been EMPed. Our electronics are down!受到电磁脉冲攻击,我方电子仪器已不能使用。
战术核武器获得Tactical Nuke ready for launch.战术核弹准备启动
Tactical Nuke ready. Turn the key.战术核弹准备启动。转动钥匙。
己方启动战术核武器Tactical Nuke incoming!战术核弹来了
敌方启动战术核武器Enemy Nuke incoming, it's over!战术核弹来了,完了!
游戏中有收录敌军Predetor Missile接近的声音,不过没有使用。 

AC-130 机内

 Target reset.目标复位。
 Set scan range.设定扫描范围。
 Gun Ready!枪准备好了!
 Arma preparada!武装突袭!
105mm炮Entendido, acabe com eles.Entendido,acabe COM的鳗鱼。
Good kill good kil.好枪法~
 That's what I call a hit.这就是我所说的一击​​。
 Ooh, that's gotta hurt.噢,受伤了。
 There, nice shot, I see lots of little pieces there.在那里,漂亮的射击,我看到了许多小碎片。
 Nice shot, nice shot.干的好!
 Yes, he just went prone是的,他只是比较容易
 Guy got hit but still moving.人被击中,但仍能动。
 He's standing up.他站了起来。
 Guy running.那个家伙在跑。
 Ready to engage enemy.愿意参与的敌人。
 Get that guy.抓住那家伙。
 Follow him.跟着他。
 There, that guy is still moving.在那里,那家伙依然在动。
 There, you got him, get back on those other guys.在那里,你抓住了他,让其他人回去。
Ok, eles estão se movendo de novo.Ok,他还在动。
 Estão bem ali.他还活着。
 Cara correndo.他还在跑。
 Pegue esse cara.追上他。
 Isso é o que eu chamo de acerto.成功了。
 Ooh, isso deve doer.哦,很痛的样子。
 Tudo bem, você pegou o cara, isso deve ter sido a menos de um metro dele.好,一米内的家伙都完蛋了。
 Belo tiro, belo tiro.射得不错。


共通Taking the lead.领先。
We've taken the lead.我们已经领先。
We lost lead.我们失去了领先地位。
DominationCapture the objectives.捕捉到目标。
Securing .〜安全。
Enemy has !敌人〜!
Losing !失去〜!
We lost !我们失去了〜!
All position flag down, holding positions.所有阵地旗帜倒下,占领阵地。
We have been dominated! Take any position!我们一直占主导地位!占领任何阵地!
Demolition S&DDestroy the objective.摧毁目标。
Defend the objective.保卫目标。
The bomb has been planted!炸弹已经被布置!
Bomb defused.拆除炸弹。
Complete mission, you're the only one left.完成使命,你是唯一一个离开的。
Good job,team. Get ready for the next round.干得好,团队。为下一轮做好准备。
We lost at round. But it's not over yet. Get ready for the next round.我们失去了一轮。但它没有结束。为下一轮做好准备。


Army Rangers

Rangers lead the way.兵,做前
斗中Reloading, cover me.弹,我。
Popping smoke!烟雾弹!
优势Nice rangers. Keep it up.很棒的游兵!继续~
Mission accomplished, well done!任务完成了,干得好!
Works appreciate. Well done.漂亮,干得好~
Defeated. Don't let this happen again.被击败。不要让这样的事情再发生

Task Force 141

Let's do this.做到一点
斗中Tango down!目标倒下(击毙)!
Target down!目标倒下(击毙)!
Target neutralize!目标消除
Changing mag.换弹夹
Smoke out.雾散尽
Deploying C4.安装 C4
优势We're winning this fight!我们赢得了战斗!
We're losing this fight!我们输了战斗!
Mission accomplished. Good work.任务完成了,干得好!
Your work is appreciated. Well done.漂亮,干得好~
Defeated. Don't let this happen again.被击败。不要让这样的事情再发生


Take no prisoners, comrades.没有抓住任何囚犯,战友。
优势Victory is close!胜利在望!
Fight further, comrades!继续战斗,战友们!
Haha! We are triumphant!哈哈!我们胜利了!
Victory, good work comrades.胜利,好战友。
Your work is appreciated. Well done.你的工作表示赞赏。干得好。
We've been defeated, comrades.我们已经被打败,同志们。
We've lost the battle, but the war has just began.我们已经失去了战斗,但整个战争才刚刚开始。


Take'em out.救出他们
斗中Alvo neutralizado!目标瓦解!
Me de cobertura, estou recarregando!掩护我,我装弹!
Trocando de arma.改变武器。
Atirando uma granada de luz!投掷闪光弹!("投掷手雷"的误译)
apareceu derre pente!突然出现!("投掷闪光弹"的误译)
atirando uma granada de mão!投掷手榴弹("投掷闪光弹"的误译)
golpeando com espada!用Claymore(剑)斩杀!("设置Claymore!"的误译)
Success. Well done.成功。干得好。
Mission failed. Next time we will be strong.任务失败。下次我们会坚强。

Navy SEALs

Bring it up, SEALs!把他打回去!海豹突击队!
Good job, SEALs. Mission accomplished.干得好,海豹突击队!任务完成了
Mission accomplished, nice work.完成了,干的漂亮。


Show no mercy.残酷点~
斗中تانغو سقط击中目标
Your work is appreciated. Well done.你的工作值得赞赏。干得好